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How to add your WhatsApp Number to your Google Business Profile

We will show you how to add or enable your WhatsApp number or Business WhatsApp number to your Google Business Profile within a few easy steps. Google now allows us to add your WhatsApp number to your Google Business Profile, making it super convenient and easier for your customer to contact you faster.

One of the disadvantages is that it is only viewed on mobile phones however, most individuals use their smartphones now to browse the internet, as seen in the diagram below, taken from one of our customers.

google search console screenshot of data from a business profile of traffic

As you can see, mobile users utilize most of the incoming traffic to our customer’s website. So it is still a wise idea to add that additional feature to your Google Business Profile.

The 1st step is to log into your Google account that has your Google Business tied to it. Then search for your company’s name on Google Search.

The search result of your Google business profile.

In the 2nd step, under “Business Information”, go to “Contact” and click on “Chat”.

Google business profile contact information. Under the Chat field.

In the 3rd step, from the dropdown list, select “WhatsApp” messaging, add your WhatsApp or Business Whatsapp number, and click in the box “WhatsApp click to chat URL.”. Be careful do not enter your personal contact number, enter the WhatsApp contact number that you would like your customers to reach out to.

If you do not have your WhatsApp link, that is no problem; we can create one here. This is how you can easily create one, you simply need to follow this format: “<your international contact number>”.

Your full business WhatsApp phone number in an international format with NO ZEROS (meaning if your contact number starts with a zero, remove it), NO Brackets, NO Dashes, or NO Spaces.

For example, let us say you are based in the UK and your Business WhatsApp phone number is 0712 3456789. Since the UK international country code is 44 your WhatsApp URL link will be “<4471 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9>”.

adding your whatsapp number to your google busienss profile

Click on the “Save” button. You may need to wait a couple of hours before it appears on the front end of your Google Business Profile as it will be pending.

You also have the option to add your SMS Text Message to your Google Business Profile.