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SEO Tips That Will Help You Rank #1 on Google

In this article, we are going to talk about five actionable SEO tips that are currently working and will actually help you rank number one in Google. The first tip is to Splinter Your Content, followed by Experiencing a Product or Service Before Creating a Review. The third tip is to Use AI for Content Creation, while the fourth tip is to Optimize for Featured Snippets. Finally, the fifth tip is to Leverage Internal Linking.

SEO Tip #1: Splinter Your Content

 If your website is currently ranking for any keywords then you are sitting on an SEO Gold Mine you need to use SEMrush to find keywords your website is ranking for. Open up Semrush enter your domain go to organic research click on positions click the positions drop-down and select 51 through 100.

This set of keywords clustering opportunities in short you are likely to have a page ranking for keywords that will never be able to rank number one in Google because it is not hyper-focused enough and that is when splintering your content comes into play. Create dedicated pages for each keyword cluster opportunity and Internally link these pages together.

SEO Tip #2: Experience a Product or Service Before Creating a Review

Demonstrate first-hand experience in your content. Actually, experience a product or service before you create a product review.

Experience is the new E in Google EEAT guidelines and it is based on this simple question, “Does the content also demonstrate that it was produced with some degree of experience.” such as with actual use of a product having actually visited a place or communicating what a person experienced.

Four ways to demonstrate first-hand experience to elevate your SEO content quality:

  • Do what is difficult – It is like anything else in life for example you are rewarded for the effort that you put into something but creating content is like any other skill the more effort and time you invest the better it and you typically become. Invest time effort and capital into making the best content possible instead of trying to maintain some silly editorial standard. Less is always more!
  • Become a human guinea pig – look for opportunities to actually try things and that will require you to invest in your content. Actually, purchase services or products and share your first-hand experience with them. Show your first-hand experience with a particular product or service actually go out and test the product or service and actually invest time and money into it. This is another example of why doing real-life experience-based things and demonstrating first-hand experience is so powerful because you have unique data.
  • Invest in your content – By investing quality time and effort the content becomes 100% unique to you and it does not feel generic like every other piece of content that you might see on the internet. This way to make your content super unique, and different from your competitors.
  • Share unique data – then share your findings and once again there is no way that someone could replicate it. Because everything you have done or talking about is unique to your specific first-hand experience. Applying this in your industry can help you generate content that is very unique compared to your competitors and ultimately makes you become number one among all the generic competitors. They are just kind of producing that really vague kind of boring content this will really make the content Stand Out.

SEO Tip #3: Use AI for Content Creation

In situations where you can’t get first-hand experience, you can simply use other people’s experience to create a Content Rich page. Reviews from experts and then they curate reviews from the audience so just regular people and as a result, they have a very good scoring mechanism that is reliable so when you are trying to decide on a product or service a lot of people refer to it.

This is such an accurate meter for how good the product or service is going to be. If it has a high critic score and a high audience score you can pretty much determine that it is going to be a pretty good product or service so this is just another great way where you can curate reviews and curate other people’s experience to generate great content.

So there are many different ways to go about injecting experience into your content so you can either do that first-hand experience or you can leverage this technique where you actually take other people’s experiences and put that into your content.

Use ChatGPT to demonstrate experience so it can produce killer SEO content. However, ChatGPT struggles to demonstrate experience.

Let us do an example, say you want to rank for the keyword phrase Dominoes review start by getting the average word count from a tool like NeuronWriter.

Then go to Amazon and copy at least one five, four, three, two, and one star rating reviews then go to plus keyword and copy three or more opinions and then get some opinions from YouTubers who knows about the Dominoes game.

Then use ChatGPT to summarize the video Transcript and Summary and now develop prompts that you will feed into ChatGPT will likely give you an estimated word count of 500 to 700 words.

SEO Tip #4 – Optimize for Featured Snippets

Do keyword research. The first step to optimizing for featured snippets is to do keyword research and identify the long-tail keywords that you want to rank for. Long-tail keywords are more specific and have less competition than short-tail keywords, making them more likely to trigger a featured snippet.

Write clear and concise answers. When writing your blog content, focus on providing clear and concise answers to the questions that your target audience is likely to be searching for. Your answer should be well-organized and easy to understand, and it should be written in a way that is consistent with the format of featured snippets.

Use headings and subheadings. Headings and subheadings can help Google to understand the structure of your content and identify the most important information. When using headings and subheadings, be sure to use keywords that are relevant to the topic of your content.

Use images and videos. Images and videos can help to break up your content and make it more visually appealing. They can also help to improve your chances of ranking for featured snippets, as Google often includes images and videos in its featured snippets.

Keep your content up-to-date. Google prefers to show fresh, up-to-date content in its search results. To ensure that your content is always up-to-date, be sure to regularly update it with new information and insights.

Use bullet points and numbered lists. Bullet points and numbered lists can make your content easier to read and understand, and they can also help Google to identify the most important information. When using bullet points and numbered lists, be sure to use keywords that are relevant to the topic of your content.

SEO Tip #5 – Leverage Internal Linking

One way to scale your link-building efforts is to leverage AI. ChatGPT is a powerful AI tool that can help you generate high-quality content, write pitches, and find backlink opportunities.

Respond to HARO queries using ChatGPT

Haro is a great way to get backlinks from high-quality websites. When someone posts a query on HARO, they’re looking for experts to provide information or answer questions. You can use ChatGPT to respond to these queries quickly and easily.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Go to the HARO website and sign up for a free account.
  2. Once you’re logged in, you’ll see a list of recent queries.
  3. Click on a query that you’re interested in responding to.
  4. In the response box, type in a brief summary of your expertise.
  5. Then, use ChatGPT to generate a more detailed response.
  6. When you’re finished, click on the “Submit Response” button.

Create awesome link bait using ChatGPT

Link bait is content that is designed to attract backlinks. It can be anything from infographics to blog posts to videos. ChatGPT can help you create link bait that is both informative and engaging.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. Think about a topic that you know a lot about.
  2. Then, use ChatGPT to generate a list of ideas for a blog post, infographic, or video.
  3. Once you have a few ideas, choose one that you’re excited about.
  4. Use ChatGPT to help you write the content.
  5. When you’re finished, promote your content on social media and other online channels.


Use AI to improve your SEO content.

  1. Use Google’s guidelines to rate your content.
  2. Ask AI for recommendations to improve your content.
  3. Implement the recommendations and repeat.

This will help you create high-quality content that ranks well in search engines.

Here are some specific examples of how to use AI to improve your SEO content:

  • Use AI to generate content ideas.
  • Use AI to help you write content.
  • Use AI to help you edit content.
  • Use AI to help you promote content.

By using AI, you can save time and effort, and you can create high-quality content that is more likely to rank well in search engines.

By following the SEO tips highlighted above, you can improve your chances of optimizing your blog content and ranking #1 on Google.